Wednesday, February 08, 2006

Household - Today and the Future

I was reading: by Judith Warner - where she describes how women's life has seldom changed or the household chores are seldom shared by the husband's in the household. I feel that taking control of the house does not mean only managing ones income and money - making a happy life transends those boundaries. Cleaning, mopping, shopping and other chores that women women tend to be allocated in our so called "gender caste" system is unfair. I guess, in a balanced and happy life - these can be shared always.
Somehow, I feel that the Feminine caste (if I may call it so), has always been doing the job better. I am sure in most of the households, the mother is the better cook (fathers tend to be occasionally good cooks - but do not seem to be consistent).
Practically, I think that child care and simple house hold things taken care by the feminine member will bring more joy and happiness than if it is by the other member of the household.

Do you have anything in mind?


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